申请挪威永久居留许可,只需要满足“申请人资格”即可,不需要拥有永久性工作(fast jobb),也不需要其他特殊的条件,例如在挪威买房子、与挪威人结婚,对于申请没有任何影响。
一)申请人资格Who is eligible for a permanent residence permit?
In order to be granted a permanent residence permit, you must have stayed in Norway for a continuous period of three years during which you have held permits forming a basis for such a permit, and have completed tuition in the Norwegian language.
1)在挪威连续住满三年a continuous period of three years
– not have gaps of more than three months between permits during the last three years(在前一有效签证到期至申请到新签证之间不能超过3个月)
– not have stayed outside Norway for a total of more than seven months over the last three years(三年间离开挪威的总时间不能超过7个月)
2)这三年期间所持的签证可以作为申请永居许可的基础held permits forming a basis for such a permit
– persons who have been granted asylum or protection(难民)
– residence for strong humanitarian considerations
– most family immigration permits(家庭团聚)
– skilled worker permits or specialist permits(特殊技能工作许可)
在挪威读博时申请的工作签证,应该是属于第四项skilled worker permits,其实在当初发工作签证的文件中,就已经明确提到了“Tillatelsen kan danne grunnlag for bosettingstillatelse”(可作为申请永居许可的基础)
3)完成挪威语学习have completed tuition in the Norwegian language
– In order to be granted a permanent residence permit, you are required to have completed tuition in the Norwegian language (at least 250 hours) and social studies (at least 50 hours). (必须完成250小时的挪威语和50小时的挪威社会风俗学习)
– You can apply to the municipality where you live to be exempt from the requirement for tuition in the Norwegian language and social studies if you can document that you have adequate knowledge of Norwegian or Sami, or if special health-related or other weighty grounds indicate that you should be exempt. You can apply for such exemption from the municipality where you live, and the municipality decides.
在卑尔根,官方认可的语言学校是Nygård Skole,一开始KIKI并不知道,所上的200学时挪威语都是在folkunivesitetet,虽然folkunivesitetet据理力争,说他们给予的学时证明应该得到认可,但目前为止因为两者属于竞争关系,还在商讨中。为了以防万一,最好一开始就到Nygård Skole去学挪威语。
另外,我所说的“捷径”就是如果在申请永居许可前,因为种种原因,无法完成300小时的语言学习,那么可以直接向Nygård Skole申请免修(挪威语fritak),他们有内部测试,只要过了内部测试,他们就会给予免修证明,而内部测试非常简单,只需要100小时的基础,即完成Ny i Norge或者på vei,就肯定没有问题了。当然这种急功近利的方式不是很推荐,毕竟真正要在挪威长久居留,语言还是非常重要的,只不过这一“捷径”可以尽快得到永居许可,免除今后出入境总要受“三年内不超过7个月”的约束。
– In principle, you are only entitled to a permanent residence permit if you apply on time. This means that the application must be submitted while you hold a valid residence permit. (在所持签证过期前,及时申请)
– In order to be entitled to stay on the same conditions until your application has been finally decided, you must apply for a permanent residence permit at least one month before your residence permit expires. (至少在所持签证过期前一个月申请)
虽然这里提到是“at least”,但实际操作时是不能提前申请,一定要接近签证过期前一个月才能申请。KIKI的三年工作签证是到2010年8月15日过期,因为特殊原因(5月8日预产期、7月初离开卑尔根北上结婚、8月底回中国),4月底就到警局递交过一次申请,当时工作人员就以“申请时间太早”为由拒绝,并说最早递交永居申请也要在7月初、离签证过期只有1一个月左右的的时间才行。
– Application form for permanent residence permit (永久居留许可申请表)
– A passport photo/ photo that meets specific requirements (照片)
– Copies of all pages in passports or any other travel documents you have held over the last three years (过去三年内所持护照的所有内页复印件)
– A list of all travel in and out of the country over the last three years. (过去三年出入挪威的旅行时间表)
– The original receipt for fee paid (申请费收据,申请费用1600克朗)
– Documentation that you have either completed tuition in the Norwegian language or been granted an exemption by the municipality. (挪威语学时证明或者免修证明)
– Documentation relating to your previous permit, as you would have enclosed for renewal of that permit. (有关前次签证的证明文件)
1)Renewal of permanent residence permit sticker(永久居留许可每两年需到警局更新,但不可早于过期前6个月)
A permanent residence permit is noted in your passport by a sticker. The sticker is valid for two years, and must therefore be renewed. For EEA nationals, the sticker is valid for 25 years. When the validity of the sticker is about to expire, you must meet in person with the police to have a new sticker affixed to your passport. You do not have to apply for a renewal beforehand. You cannot renew the sticker more than six months before it expires.
If the sticker expires, that does not mean that you lose your permanent residence permit.
It is, however, important to renew an expired sticker before any travelling abroad, since the sticker functions as a return visa to Norway and the Schengen area. As a person subject to a visa requirement, you will need a separate visa to enter Norway without a valid sticker.
2)The permit’s content (永居许可的权利:可永久居留、工作;可多次进入挪威和其他申根国家)
A permanent residence permit gives you a general right to stay, work or run a business in Norway indefinitely. Your protection against expulsion is also stronger than for a residence permit. A permanent residence permit also entitles you to repeated entry into Norway.
3)Can you lose a permanent residence permit?(如果连续不在挪威居住超过2年,会丧失永居资格,但如果因工作原因的除外)
Yes, you can lose your permanent residence permit if you do not stay in Norway.
You will lose your permanent residence permit if you stay abroad for a continuous period of two years or more after being granted a permanent permit. The stay outside Norway will be deemed to have been continuous even if you have stayed in Norway for one or more periods of certain duration.
You can, however, apply to stay abroad for more than two years without losing your permanent residence permit if you are to settle in Norway again after your stay abroad. However, this only applies if you:
are to serve your military service or other equivalent service in your home country
are to stay abroad in connection with work or education over and above upper secondary school
are to stay abroad together with a spouse, cohabitant or parents staying abroad in connection with work or education
In order to be eligible for a permit to stay abroad for more than two years, you must submit an application to the Directorate of Immigration well before you have spent two years abroad. If you have submitted your application more than six months before the two-year deadline expired, you will not lose your permanent residence permit if you return to Norway within two weeks of being informed of a rejection of the application.
You must be able to document the purpose of your stay abroad. How long you will be permitted to stay abroad depends on the duration of your subsequent connection with Norway and the purpose of the stay abroad.
申请挪威永久居留证指南Permanent residence permit(英语):
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