之前,EB5Sir已经找过Vaughan de Kirby律师的就抵押贷款、工资收入做资金来源证明的文章。今天这篇文章,是他的一篇就出售房产的收入来作为资金来源的证明方式,投资者所需要提供的材料清单,供各位朋友们参考。
• 过去五年的收入所得税纳税证明。投资人应该提交过去五年的纳税证明。如果公司代扣代缴员工的所得税,公司证明进行了代扣代缴的记录应该包括在EB-5申请文件中。不能提交纳税证明,可以提交这里提到的其它文件来代替。USCIS确定投资资金的合法来源时,会综合审查提交的文件。
• 投资人的资金来源声明。投资人应该包括一份声明,详细说明拥有这套房产,并且购房资金来源合法。
• 证明出售房产获得收入的银行对账单。为了证明出售房产的收入被存入了投资人的账户,需要将投资人的银行对账单包括在申请文件中。
• 房产销售合同。为了证明投资资金来自于出售房产收入,投资人应该在EB-5申请文件中包括售房合同。
• 购房发票。为了证明投资人拥有这套房产,申请文件中应提交购房发票。
• 房产证。应该提交房产证,证明投资人拥有这套房产。
• 纳税证明。为了进一步证明所有权,投资人应该提交纳税证明,证明为房产付过税。
• 证明用于购买这套房产的资金来源合法的文件。投资人还应该提交文件,证明最初使用合法资金购买这套房产。证明购买房产的资金合法的文件将取决于借款人如何获得的资金。
1) 租赁协议。为了证明投资资金来自于出租房屋的收入,申请文件应该包括投资人和房屋承租人之间的租赁协议。
2) 证明存入租金和租金收入积累的银行对账单。为了证明租金存入了投资人的账户,申请文件应该包括投资者的银行对账单。银行对账单应该显示支付的租金不断被存入账户,并在账户中累积达到投资资金的数额。
3) 租金收入纳税证明。为了证明房屋出租收入交过税,收入纳税证明应该包括在申请文件中。
原文作者:Vaughan de Kirby律师,原文网站:www.visaanswer.com。
EB-5 Investor Visa: Documents Proving the Sale of Real Estate as the Lawful Source of the Investment Funds
To qualify for an EB-5 visa, the investor will need to show that the invested capital came from a lawful source. In general, funds obtained by any lawful means are acceptable, including the sale of real estate. To prove the lawful source of the investment funds, substantial supporting documents will need to be included with the EB-5 application submitted to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).
The following documents, if available, should be included with the application to prove that the sale of real property is the lawful source of the investment funds.
• Income tax returns for the past five years. The investor should submit his or her individual tax returns for the past five years. In situations where a company pays taxes on behalf of the employee, records from the company showing that such filings have been made should be included with the EB-5 application. An inability to provide tax returns may be offset by providing the other mentioned documents in this section. USCIS will look at the submitted documents as a whole when determining the lawful source of the investment capital.
• Investor’s capital source statement. The investor should include a statement detailing the manner in which the real property was acquired, the length of time he or she owned the property and the capital gain from the sale of the property.
• Bank statements showing earnings from the sale of the property. Bank statements of the investor should be included with the application to demonstrate funds from the sale of the real property were deposited into the investor’s account.
• Real property sales contract. To establish that the investment funds came from the sale of the real property, the investor should include the sales contract with the EB-5 application.
• Real property purchasing invoice. A purchase invoice for the property should be submitted with the application to demonstrate that the investor owned the real estate.
• Real property ownership certificate. An ownership certificate should be submitted as evidence that the investor owned the property.
• Tax certificate. To further demonstrate ownership, the investor should submit a tax certificate demonstrating the payment of taxes on the property.
• Documents evidencing lawful source of funds used to purchase the property. The investor should also submit documents proving that he or she initially purchased the property with lawful capital. The documents demonstrating the lawfulness of funds used to purchase the property will depend on how the lender obtained the capital. Please refer to the appropriate source of funds section of our website for a list of documents that may be used to prove the lawfulness of the capital used to purchase the property.
If invested funds are derived from rental income of real property as opposed to the sale of real property, the following documents will help demonstrate the source of income:
1) Leasing agreement. A leasing agreement between the investor and renter of the property should be submitted with the application to demonstrate that the investment funds were derived from leasing income.
2) Bank statement evidencing deposit of rent and accumulation of rental income. Bank statements of the investor should be included with the application to demonstrate rental deposits into the investor’s account. The bank statements should show that the rental payments were deposited over time and accumulated to the investment amount in the account.
3) Leasing income tax records. Income tax records should also be included in the application to demonstrate the income tax was paid on the lease income.