


1. 选择项目,最最难,继续挠头。。。

2. 提供在I-526审批环节所需要的,资金来源的合法证明文件,牵涉细节很多,也着实不容易。

今天,EB5Sir找来的这篇文章,是Vaughan de Kirby律师的一篇就抵押贷款,这种当前用的相对最多的资金来源证明方式,投资者所需要提供的材料的清单,供各位朋友们参考。










1) 借款人的资金来源声明。投资人应当在申请文件中包括一份借款人的声明,详细说明了借款人怎样积累的借款资金。

2) 过去五年的收入纳税证明。申请文件应包括借款人的个人收入纳税证明,如果可能,还可以包括过去五年的公司纳税证明。如果借款人过去五年任何时间段没有纳税,EB-5申请文件中应该包括未纳税原因的解释。

3) 其它文件。其它证明借款人资金来源合法的文件将取决于借款人怎样获得的资金。用于证明投资人资金来源合法的文件,同样可以证明借款人资金来源合法。例如,如果借款人一段时间内合法积累了他的收入,证明收入积累的文件包括借款人雇主的收入证明,借款人的劳动合同,以及借款人的银行对账单,证明工资积累了一段时间。


• 如果贷款是通过房地产担保获得的,需要提供房地产证明。如果贷款是通过抵押房地产获得的,投资人需要提供关于房地产的额外证明,包括:

1) 抵押贷款协议。投资人应该提供书面抵押贷款协议,证明投资资金来自于抵押贷款。

2) 房屋所有权证书。应该提交所有权证明,证明投资人拥有该房地产。

3) 购房发票。申请中应该包括购房发票,证明投资人拥有用于抵押的房产。

4) 纳税证明。投资人为了进一步证明所有权,应该提交纳税证明,证明为该房产交过税。

5) 房地产评估报告。为了证明房产的价值,应该包括房地产的评估报告。

6) 用于购买房产的资金来源合法的文件。投资人应该提交文件,证明用于抵押的房产是用合法资金购买的。证明用于购买房产的资金合法的文件将取决于借款人怎样获得的资金。

原文作者:Vaughan de Kirby律师,原文网站:www.visaanswer.com。

EB-5 Investor Visa: Documents Proving a Loan as the Lawful Source of the Investment Funds

To qualify for an EB-5 visa, the investor will need to show that the invested capital came from a lawful source. Funds obtained by a loan are acceptable so long as the loan is secured by the investor’s personal assets. To prove a loan as the lawful source of the investment funds, substantial supporting documents will need to be included with the EB-5 application submitted to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. The following documents, if available, should be included with the application to prove that a loan secured by the investor’s personal assets is the lawful source of the investment funds.

• Income tax returns for the past five years. The investor should submit his or her individual tax returns for the past five years. In situations where a company pays taxes on behalf of the employee, records from the company showing that such filings or withholdings have been made should be included with the EB-5 application. An inability to provide tax returns may be offset by providing the other mentioned documents in this section. USCIS will look at the submitted documents as a whole when determining the lawful source of the investment capital.

• Investor’s capital source statement. The investor should include a statement explaining that the investment capital came from a loan. The statement should describe the terms of the loan and must explain that the investor’s personal assets secure the loan.

• Written loan agreement. The investor should submit the written loan agreement with the EB-5 application to demonstrate that the funds were derived from the proceeds of a loan. The terms of the loan should include the interest rate, a description of the investor’s personal assets securing the loan, and the repayment period which should generally be no longer than two years. As noted, the investment will not qualify under the EB-5 program unless the loan proceeds are secured by the investor’s personal assets. The assets used to secure the loan should be clearly identified.

• Bank statements evidencing receipt of loan proceeds. The investor’s bank statements should be included with the EB-5 application to show that the investor received the loan proceeds.

• If the lender is an individual, evidence establishing that the loaned funds came from a lawful source. When the lender is an individual, as opposed to a bank or lending institution, USCIS sometimes inquires into how the lender obtained the loan money from a lawful source. Although the investor will not need to trace the source of specific funds from the lender, the investor will need to provide at least some basic evidence that the lender has lawful income that could account for the accumulation of the loaned funds. Documents evidencing the lawfulness of the lender’s funds may include:

1) Lender’s capital source statement. The investor should include a statement by the lender detailing how the lender accumulated the loaned funds.

2) Income tax returns for the past five years. The lender’s individual income tax returns and, if applicable, business tax returns for the past five years. If the lender has not filed tax returns at any time during the previous five years, an explanation for the missing tax returns should be included with the EB-5 application.

3) Other documents. Other documents demonstrating the lawfulness of the lender’s funds will depend on how the lender obtained the capital. The same documents used to prove the lawfulness of the investor’s source of funds may be used to prove the lawfulness of lender’s capital. For example, if the lender lawfully accumulated his or her salary over time, documents that help demonstrate this accumulation include an income certificate from the lender’s employer, the lender’s employment contract, and the lender’s bank statements demonstrating salary payments accumulated over time. Please refer to the appropriate source of funds section of our website for a list of documents that may be used to prove the lawfulness of the lender’s capital.

• If the loan is secured by real property, evidence regarding the real-property is needed. Where the loan is secured by real property, the investor should submit additional evidence regarding the real-property, including:

1) Mortgage agreement. The investor should submit the written mortgage agreement to demonstrate that the investment funds came from a mortgage.

2) Real-property ownership certificate. An ownership certificate should be submitted as evidence that the investor owns the real-property.

3) Real-property purchasing invoice. A purchase invoice for the real-property should be included with the application to show that the investor owns the mortgaged property.

4) Tax certificate. To further demonstrate ownership, the investor should submit a tax certificate demonstrating the payment of taxes on the real-property.

5) Real-property appraisal report. The appraisal report of the real-property should be included to demonstrate the value of the property.

6) Documents evidencing lawful source of funds used to purchase the property. The investor should submit documents proving that the mortgaged property was purchased with lawful capital. The documents demonstrating the lawfulness of funds used to purchase the property will depend on how the lender obtained the capital. Please refer to the appropriate source of funds section of our website for a list of documents that may be used to prove the lawfulness of the capital used to purchase the property.



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