不可忽视的非移民签证申请表:DS-160 | EB-5资金来源

今天来看一份对于EB-5申请人,容易忽视,但是都需要时刻注意的问题,也就是赴美非移民类签证申请时所提供的数据,需要与今后递交EB-5申请时的工作经历收入等相关信息,相匹配,但是很多投资者当时草草填就的文件往往没有备份,更没有想到为了今后做详细打算了。今天EB5Sir找来的是,Bernard Wolfsdorf律师的文章,以提醒投资者注意。



1. 几乎所有的EB-5申请人之前有为了获得美国旅行签证或者工作签证填写过DS160非移民签证申请表。为了确保提供信息的准确,留一份存档十分关键。

2. DS-160签证申请表会询问有关现在以及以前的工作经历、教育与培训的信息。

3. 由于美国国务院领事部门与移民局达成了数据共享,这部分的信息会被拿去和之前提供的现在以及以前的工作、教育与培训经历交叉比对。

4. 如I-526申请中的提供的雇佣收入文件与之前申请其他签证时向美国国务院提供的信息不吻合,文件的真实性会被质疑。如果资金来源报告中的信息与之前申请其他签证提供的信息不吻合,则会导致常规性的对I-526申请的补件要求(RFEs)和拒绝意向通知(NOIDs)的发出。

5. 不幸的是,很多非移民类旅游签证的申请是非申请人草率填写的。

6. 但是,不管签证申请是由律师还是旅游中介填写的,外国申请人都无法撇开与其造成的不实陈述的干系。

7. 只要申请人对这份申请被提交知情。

8. 通过实地或者电子的方式对申请进行签字认可,申请人就对所作的陈述付有全部责任。

9. 最坏的情况是:对同样问题提供不同的信息会构成不实陈述,申请人会被依照美国移民法第212条规定INA Section 212(a)(6)(C)(i)因为签证欺诈而终生不得入境。

原文作者:Bernard Wolfsdorf律师,来源:www.wolfsdorf.com。

August 5, 2015
By Bernard Wolfsdorf

1. Almost all EB-5 applicants have previously completed a form DS-160 nonimmigrant visa application when applying for a U.S. visitor’s visa or work visa. It is critical to keep a copy of the form and to ensure the information provided is accurate.

2. The visa application Form DS-160 requests information regarding present and previous work experience, education, and training.

3. As a result of data sharing between the Department of State (Bureau of Consular Affairs) and USCIS, this information is cross-checked with information previously provided regarding present and previous work experience, education, and training.

4. Any inconsistency between the information provided in the employment and income documents filed in the I-526 petition and the information submitted to the Department of State on a visa application calls into question the veracity of the documents provided. As a result, USCIS has been routinely issuing Requests for Evidence (RFEs) and Notices of Intent to Deny (NOIDs) form I-526 Immigrant Investor Visa petition if the information in the source of funds report is inconsistent with that provided in a previous visa application.

5. Unfortunately, many nonimmigrant tourist applications are completed by other than the actual applicant who may submit inaccurate information.

6. However, the fact that an applicant pursues a visa application through an attorney or travel agent does not insulate the alien from liability for misrepresentations made by such agents.

7. It only has to be shown the applicant was aware of the action being taken in furtherance of the visa application.

8. By signing the visa application physically or electronically, the applicant accepts full responsibility for the statements.

9. The worst aspect is different information provided to the same question can result in a finding of misrepresentation and the applicant can be found permanently inadmissible under INA Section 212(a)(6)(C)(i) for visa fraud.


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